With over 15 years of industry experience, Sama’s data annotation and validation solutions help you build more accurate GenAI and LLMs—faster.
Our data experts will review your model’s responses for accuracy, identify and highlight any errors, and rewrite responses to improve model performance, combining workflow automation with our human-in-the-loop approach to ensure speed and quality.
Our team can assess how well your Gen AI model understands, interprets, and executes instructions. We’ll help you identify where your model doesn’t comply, including why a response was selected. Any issues are highlighted and flagged, making it easier and more efficient to fine-tune.
Sama’s highly trained team of experts can help you improve the quality and alignment of model outputs through feedback loops, RLHF, and more. With domain expertise across multiple industries and functions, we can analyze and rank model responses, indicate the rationale behind each choice, and highlight any issues within the outputs.
Sama can help you scale captioning for a variety of modalities. Our team of experts will describe the content of visual inputs, verify if the captions match, and rewrite captions as needed to retrain the model to reduce errors and hallucinations. Sama’s proprietary platform makes sampling easy and our collaborative workflows help reduce subjectivity and ambiguity from project kickoff.
With domain expertise across a variety of industries and functions, Sama’s dedicated team can create new prompts and responses based on your model goals. We can also rewrite responses, tailored to model capabilities and limitations, to augment existing training data. Our team can also employ chain of thought to provide clear rationale for chosen outputs.
When real training data is too difficult or not cost effective to obtain, our team can create synthetic data sets to help train your model, using a human-in-the-loop approach to ensure the highest level of quality. Our team will define objectives for your data, including a specific domain or other required parameters, and test outputs for quality and accuracy by comparing them against outputs from authentic data.
Our team is trained to provide comprehensive support across various modalities including text, image, and voice search applications. We help improve model accuracy and performance through a variety of solutions.
Our proactive approach minimizes delays while maintaining quality to help teams and models hit their milestones. All of our solutions are backed by SamaAssure™, the industry’s highest quality guarantee for Generative AI.
SamaIQ™ combines the expertise of the industry’s best specialists with deep industry knowledge and proprietary algorithms to deliver faster insights and reduce the likelihood of unwanted biases and other privacy or compliance vulnerabilities.
SamaHub™, our collaborative project space, is designed for enhanced communication. GenAI and LLM clients have access to collaboration workflows, self-service sampling and complete reporting to track their project’s progress.
We offer a variety of integration options, including APIs, CLIs, and webhooks that allow you to seamlessly connect our platform to your existing workflows. The Sama API is a powerful tool that allows you to programmatically query the status of projects, post new tasks to be done, receive results automatically, and more.
Sama’s model evaluation projects start with tailored consultations to understand your requirements for model performance. We’ll align on how you want your model to behave and set targets across a variety of dimensions.
Our team of Solutions engineers will collaborate with your team to connect to our platform and ensure a smooth flow of data. This can involve either connecting to your existing APIs or having custom integrations built specifically for your needs.
Our expert team meticulously crafts a plan to systematically test and evaluate model outputs to expose inaccuracies. We follow a robust evaluation process that involves a thorough examination of both prompts and the corresponding responses generated by the model. We will assess these elements based on predefined criteria, which may include factors like factual accuracy, coherence, consistency with the prompt's intent, and adherence to ethical guidelines.
As errors in model outputs are identified, our team will begin creating an additional training data set that can be used to finetune model performance. This new data consists of rewritten prompts and corresponding responses that address the specific mistakes made by the model.
When the project is complete, we follow a structured delivery process to ensure smooth integration with your LLM training pipeline. We offer flexible and customizable delivery formats, APIs, and the option for custom API integrations to support rapid development of models.
We have been impressed, not only with their consistent level of high quality, but with their entire approach to training data strategy. To us they are a perfect addition to our work in AI.
We have been impressed, not only with their consistent level of high quality, but with their entire approach to training data strategy. To us they are a perfect addition to our work in AI.
You can imagine the heaps of images coming in from the restaurants that we work with. Most are identified by image recognition algorithms, but for outliers and edge cases, we rely on Sama.
You can imagine the heaps of images coming in from the restaurants that we work with. Most are identified by image recognition algorithms, but for outliers and edge cases, we rely on Sama.
Sama’s agents became increasingly better at labeling our data thanks to feedback loops. This iterative way of working has made them experts on our data.
Sama’s agents became increasingly better at labeling our data thanks to feedback loops. This iterative way of working has made them experts on our data.
Having worked with different cloud providers where the staff doing the actual work was always very hidden from us, we appreciated the transparency and social sustainability of Sama.
Having worked with different cloud providers where the staff doing the actual work was always very hidden from us, we appreciated the transparency and social sustainability of Sama.
There’s a possibility to make an impact on legislation and on the environment, but not without accurately labeled data.
There’s a possibility to make an impact on legislation and on the environment, but not without accurately labeled data.
The team quickly learned to distinguish between waste objects, which differ greatly from region to region. Communication channels remained open for feedback, with a continuous open discussion about how efforts were progressing.
The team quickly learned to distinguish between waste objects, which differ greatly from region to region. Communication channels remained open for feedback, with a continuous open discussion about how efforts were progressing.
Sama gave us visibility into the data labeling process, with tight QA feedback loops to ensure the high standard of quality we required for our models.
Sama gave us visibility into the data labeling process, with tight QA feedback loops to ensure the high standard of quality we required for our models.
Working with Sama has made a demonstrable impact on our ability not only to service our current clients better but also to expand our services to new types of clients and new markets.
Working with Sama has made a demonstrable impact on our ability not only to service our current clients better but also to expand our services to new types of clients and new markets.
Quality is important to them. You really get the sense they are there for more than just the financial transaction. They are a true partner.
Quality is important to them. You really get the sense they are there for more than just the financial transaction. They are a true partner.
Sama was a force multiplier for us and a key success factor for our project. They delivered high-quality annotated data on time, listened to our feedback, and were very flexible in accommodating our requests.
Sama was a force multiplier for us and a key success factor for our project. They delivered high-quality annotated data on time, listened to our feedback, and were very flexible in accommodating our requests.
We significantly improved our training data, enhancing our object detection algorithm to identify people or doors.
We significantly improved our training data, enhancing our object detection algorithm to identify people or doors.
We had a ton of pictures of cows from Washington, where we are, but cows look different in Africa. Diversity in the dataset has been super challenging.
We had a ton of pictures of cows from Washington, where we are, but cows look different in Africa. Diversity in the dataset has been super challenging.
Once you have a trained team, it pays off because they know what to look for. Some objects just blend into the background in images, so you need a trained eye to spot them.
Once you have a trained team, it pays off because they know what to look for. Some objects just blend into the background in images, so you need a trained eye to spot them.
In a partner we’re looking for someone that can handle the volumes of data that we can generate, and handle those volumes in a quality manner. Sama is able to fulfill our business requirements, and do that cost effectively, but they have the added benefit of being an impact provider.
In a partner we’re looking for someone that can handle the volumes of data that we can generate, and handle those volumes in a quality manner. Sama is able to fulfill our business requirements, and do that cost effectively, but they have the added benefit of being an impact provider.
Sama’s agility, ability to scale, and transparency they’ve given along the way make them the ideal training data partner.
Sama’s agility, ability to scale, and transparency they’ve given along the way make them the ideal training data partner.
Trying to create AI models that can work on any stage of plant can be a challenge. Sama’s annotation solution helped us overcome this issue. Sama’s accuracy rate is consistently at 99%, which is incredible!
Trying to create AI models that can work on any stage of plant can be a challenge. Sama’s annotation solution helped us overcome this issue. Sama’s accuracy rate is consistently at 99%, which is incredible!
Sama delivers not only accurate video annotation, but insights and recommendations via our vertically integrated platform combined with human-in-the-loop experts, all while embracing an ethical AI approach. This is why companies come to us when other video annotation solutions fail.
No matter how complex your models, we consistently deliver a 99% client acceptance rate as you scale, even with high ambiguity images and edge cases.
Sama has over 15 years of experience and our annotators have an average tenure of 2+ years. Vertically segmented teams provide expertise into industry nuances.
As the first AI certified B Corp, Sama has provided economic opportunities for over 65,000 employees from underserved communities.
ISO certified delivery centers, a biometric secured platform and our in-house workforce help protect your data from unauthorized access and data corruption from ingestion to delivery.
Your data remains protected and private because it’s managed in a secure facility by full-time in-house workforce of data experts. Your Data is Yours – Sama does not share or keep any datasets for training or other purposes, unlike crowdsourced alternatives.
Learn more about Sama's work with data curation
The validation places Sama among more than 5,000 companies and financial institutions across the globe that have made the commitment to supporting climate action by setting science-aligned goals and transparently measuring progress toward achieving them.